These pieces are an allegory of the cyclical nature of existence: endings that are beginnings, the conclusion of one cycle that gives rise to the beginning of another, as in the case of expulsion from paradise.
In this series I appropriate this archetype to represent the principle of life and innocence, as opposed to death and sin, understood as intrinsic contradictions of human nature.
It is said that of all the animals, the human being is the only one who became aware of himself and his mortality; this knowledge, the result of the first transgression, made us heirs not only of original sin, but also of the punishment that accompanies the search for wisdom.
Ironically, we are left without the prize of understanding, we do not inherit the wisdom derived from tasting the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; apparently, we continue to pay a debt for something that was not given to us and, even now, the system and its institutions perpetuate the fear of enlightenment while, as humanity, we still do not realize that the true gift –the prize– is the possibility to question.
As a child I wondered what happened to Adam and Eve after their exile from paradise, that's how I discovered the existence of the other tree, the tree of life. Now I wonder if Eve ate from the wrong tree, or why she didn't take a fruit from that other tree with her. Now, as part of my work, I imagine them remembering paradise, still curious and transgressive, precursors of the alchemists in search of ways or means to get the eternal life that was taken from them.